Individual Therapy/ Counseling in San Diego, Oceanside, and Encinitas
Individual therapy, counseling, or psychotherapy involves meeting with the therapist one-on-one. Some reasons you may seek individual therapy may include feelings of being trapped, distressed, or alone, constant worry, crisis/ transition, depression, anxiety, recent divorce, low self-worth, body-image issues, past or present trauma, and lack of motivation or ability to change. If family members and friends cannot help you find the answers or these feelings are affecting your job, relationships, sleep, or eating habits it may be time to seek help from a professional. The goal of psychotherapy is to enhance self-awareness, empower the client, work towards desired change, and work through challenging life issues. There's hope, we believe in you, and you deserve to be happy.
Specialties at Good Therapy San Diego:
Grief and Loss
Anxiety / Panic / Agoraphobia
Stress Management
Eating Disorders
Body Image
Anger and Forgiveness
Developmental Trauma
Sexual and Physical Abuse
Relationship / Marital Issues
Chronic Pain
ADHD Treatment for Children and Families
Postpartum and Perintatal Distress
Low Self Worth and/ or self-esteem